Layout the metaverse, open up new scenes with naked-eye 3D, virtual shooting, and virtual digital pe

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Layout the metaverse, open up new scenes with naked-eye 3D, virtual shooting, and virtual digital pe

The Metaverse, which exploded last year, ushered in a cooling-off period. With the introduction of policies related to the Metaverse industry chain by most governments, its development will be more standardized and rationalized under the guidance of policies. Under this opportunity, LED displays can be said to be the forerunners of building a "reality" metaverse, and technologies such as XR virtual shooting, naked-eye 3D, virtual digital humans and other immersive atmospheres have already been pulled into the "battle" by screen companies. , especially under the policy of "One Hundred Cities and One Thousand Screens", the outdoor large screen, especially the naked-eye 3D, is the most eye-catching.

In the virtual reality business, Leyard uses optical motion capture technology as the basic technology to expand its applications in heavily immersive display solutions, VR experience, and metaverse; Lianjian Optoelectronics has many cases in naked eye 3D applications, and recently participated The drafting of relevant application standards for glasses-free 3D promotes the rapid formation of standard demonstrations and industrial agglomeration effects; Alto Electronics continues to strengthen the one-stop solution capability combining "hardware + software + content", and develops "machine vision-based and edge-based" solutions in software. The “Computerized Network Digital Portrait” system focuses on the production of creative digital content and the operation of immersive digital live broadcast rooms. Its subsidiary, Chuangxiang Shuwei, has provided virtual digital human, naked-eye 3D video production, etc. for customers such as large state-owned banks. Recently, Alto also launched a virtual digital human "Xiao Ao" to interact with the company's chairman; Absen revealed on a recent investment interactive platform that its stage display equipment can be used in XR virtual shooting scenes, and naked-eye 3D advertising screens help build cities Business districts and landmarks.