Infocomm 2019 | Thailand

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Infocomm 2019 | Thailand

International Audiovisual Technology and System Integration Exhibition Thailand
Date :15th to 17th May,2019
Add :Bangkok International Trade Center, Thailand

InfoComm Southeast Asia is organized by InfoCommAsia, And is the fifth exhibition project launched by InfoComm, Asia after successfully holding a series of exhibitions, In the Asia-Pacific region, such as InfoComm China and InfoComm India, At the same time, InfoComm Southeast Asia is also, One of the 13 AV industry exhibitions around the world, AVIXA™, the global professional audiovisual and integrated experience industry association.

As the largest professional audio-visual and integrated, Equipment exhibition in Southeast Asia, Infocomm, Thailand has built an international platform for business, Exchanges and cooperation in the whole industry chain, Attracting a large number of visitors from, All over the world to Bangkok to share this audio-visual feast.